‘Word’ is a

four-letter word

Isn’t it! Welcome to Four-Letter Word, a blog series inspired by the interesting world of compact language, where we’ll explore all sorts of four-letter words, one at a time. (and ‘blog’ being a four-letter word too is just too neat!)

You may be thinking four-letter words! is this going to be about %#!&? Well, proceed with a stiff upper lip, we’ll get to the naughty bits in due time.

For now, let’s celebrate the unsung heroes of the English language: all those good, expressive, tiny four-letter words that tingle and tease.

Love. Hoax. Heal. Flow.
Loft. Lazy. Jazz. Grow.
Grab. Woke. Joke. Book.
Moon. Fizz. Fuss. Nook.

Some more of my work, word for word.